Outside my window God's creation is dripping with the fresh rain from last night, the grass seems to be greener every time I glance outside...
I am thinking that today will be a blessing...
I am thankful for God's peace that surpasseth all understanding, that guards my heart and mind...
From the learning rooms we are in need of a makeover, a do-over...
From the kitchen hmmm, I don't know, I forgot to look at the menu on my way in to the office...
I am wearing my pajamas...
I am creating a life that trusts God in all ways...or at least that is my goal...
I am going to stay home today...
I am reading Created to be His Helpmeet, the book of 1 Samuel and Luke in my Life Application Study Bible...
I am hoping to finish decluttering the office this week...
Around the house all is still quiet...
One of my favorite things spending quiet time with my husband...
A few plans for the rest of the week: Mikah's early intervention teacher is supposed to come, I would like to find a pattern for a simple jean skirt, creating a new menu, a couple interviews for my husband :) ...
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

We made a wonderful discovery during Ellie's birthday party...Mikah LOVES balloons!!
What a cute picture thought!!
Thanks for sharing your Daybook! Cheers from Nebraska! :)
Love the picture!! Hope you have a great week.
Cute! John Michael had the same balloon from TJ's tied around his wrist this afternoon. Beautiful blog -- beautiful words and thoughts. Thanks for visiting us...
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