For Today...
Outside my window... the sounds of birds singing, sunshine and beautiful green.
I am thinking... how I love the sun and the green of spring!
From the learning rooms... we learned the consonant H today. I love Ellie's excitement at discovering new things!
I am thankful for... my husband's first paycheck since he was laid off in January.
From the kitchen... beef stroganoff, steamed veggies and a simple salad.
I am wearing... jeans, t-shirt and socks.
I am reading... The Body Ecology Diet...gleaning many ideas for Mikah as well as myself.
I am hoping... to enjoy a walk with my family this evening.
I am creating... cleanliness in our Florida room and a scrapbook for my little man...I figured I should finish it since he is almost 2 1/2 y.o. :)
I am praying... for wisdom and discipline in using my time...there are so many things to be done...just trying to figure out what I should be doing...especially with Mikah's program.
Around the house... spring cleaning in the Florida room, plants to get in the ground and seeds to plant...oh yeah...I guess I should clean the kitchen :P
One of my favorite things... Mikah playing with my hair.
A few plans for the rest of the week... we checked Wal-Mart off the list today, other grocery shopping later in the week, the plants we bought yesterday need planted, general chores, last night of AWANA on Wednesday night and lunch with daddy at his new job on Friday!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
So sweet!! Mikah is 24 hours young!
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