Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook~ May 5, 2009

For Today May 5, 2009...

Outside my window the sun is starting to peak over the trees, I wonder if it will be a sunshiney day...

I am thinking it is good I didn't do this yesterday; there would have been many angry words...

From the learning rooms Ellie is loving the reading program; I really need to re-group and get on the ball with Mikah's program; need to find more patterning helpers...

I am thankful for God's peace and for beautiful songs put together by some of God's followers; one that has been special to me recently is By Your Side by Tenth Avenue North...

From the kitchen vegan burgers, homemade fries, salad and chocolate chip cookies...

I am wearing my pjs...

I am reading several books and just finished The Year My Son and I Were Born; it is one of the best books I have read recently...

I am hoping for a peaceful week...

I am creating... honestly, I don't know what I am creating right now; I am just trying to get by...

I am praying for God's peace that surpasseth all understanding...

Around the house regular chores, a grocery list to make, garden boxes to be filled...

One of my favorite things watching Mikah and Ellie play together...

A few plans for the rest of the week a doctor's appointment Thursday, praying that the doctor's appointment is nothing, Ped appointment Saturday to talk about Mikah's "sleep" study, trying to get back into a new groove and schedule...

Here is a picture...err...video thought I am sharing with you...
By Your Side
Our Quiverfull shared this video a while ago. It came at a time that I really needed it and it has resurfaced again over this past weekend.
For more Simple Woman Daybooks visit http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Elena said...

A lovely post. Thank you for sharing your day.
May the Lord bless you and give you peace.

Elena :)