Outside my window... Beautiful blue skies and gorgeous sunshine...slightly deceptive looking, when you open the door there is still a bit a chill in the air...
I am thinking... of how to better arrange our office...what to remove to make the place a more efficient and calm working area...
From the learning rooms... nothing today...they are closed down at the moment :)
I am thankful for... all of God's amazing and unwarranted blessings...for His wonderful grace in this time of unemployment...how His peace is enough and in our weakness He truly is strong...
From the kitchen... rotisserie chicken, potatoes, broccoli...
I am wearing... jeans, cotton tee...
I am reading... the books of Deuteronomy and Luke in my life application study Bible and Our Quiver Full...
I am hoping... to have a peaceful rest of the day with my family...
I am creating... a useful office space...hopefully :)
I am hearing... my daughter and husband chatting and Mikah chiming in every so often...
Around the house... a just swept and mopped floor in the kitchen... a simple pleasure...
One of my favorite things... laughing with my children...
A few plans for the rest of the week... the usual cleaning, laundry, restarting Mikah's program, hopefully Dave will have a second interview...
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Two of mommy's favorite people...It is so hard to get the both to cooperate at the same moment...
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